What is Colorectal (Colon) Cancer?
Colorectal cancer is a disease where the colon’s cells and rectum are abnormally growing. It is crucial to undergo regular tests for colorectal cancer. The symptoms usually don’t show until the cancer has progressed.
How does colorectal cancer develop?
To maintain an ideal body condition and function normally every cell in the body expand in size, divide, and eventually die. In some cases, however the process may get out of hand. Although they are supposed to be dying, the cells grow and divide. Colorectal cancer may develop when the rectum and colon cells multiply rapidly.
Most colorectal cancers begin with small, precancerous polyps (adenomatous and serrated). The small polyps develop slowly and don’t show any signs until they get larger or become more cancerous. This allows for the identification and elimination of pre-cancerous polyps ahead of they develop cancer.

Rectal Prolapse
What are Rectal Prolapse?
Rectal prolapse happens where a small portion of the lower part of the large intestinale (rectum) is pushed out from the opening for muscles on one side of the digestion tract (anus). The prolapse of the rectal may cause discomfort, but is not usually an emergency.
Stool softeners, suppositories and various other medicines can be utilized to treat rectal prolapse.
What are the signs for Rectal Prolapse?
Rectal prolapse may cause the formation of a reddish lump. This is often the case when you exert yourself during a bowel contraction. It can disappear or be evident.
There are also these symptoms:
- Inability to control the bowel motions (fecal indigestion)
- Constipation or diarrhea
- Mucus or blood leakage in the rectum
- It’s not like your rectum feel full after regular bowel movement
What is the cause of Rectal Prolapse?
Rectal prolapse could be caused by several causes. Rectal prolapse is commonly believed to be linked to pregnancy, however, only about one-third of women suffering from it do not actually have it.
Sigmoid Volvulus
What is Sigmoid Volvulus?
Sigmoid Volvulus (SV) is a condition in which the colon wraps itself around the mesentery and creates an obstruction in the closed loop. The condition is rare but extremely important intestinal obstruction.
What is the cause of the sigmoid Volvulus?
The sigmoid volvulus may result from the lengthening of the sigmoid, which results in a loop that is redundant. It is typically due to constipation that is chronic and the gradual dilatation of the colon sigmoid and mesentery.
Ulcerative Colitis
What is the cause of Ulcerative Colitis?
Ulcerative Colitis (IBD) is an intestinal inflammatory condition (IBD) which causes inflammation and ulcers (sores) and degeneration of your digestive tract. Ulcerative colitis is a disease that affects the rectum as well as the inner linings of your large intestine. The symptoms typically manifest gradually and do not appear suddenly.
Ulcerative colitis: The Causes
Ulcerative colitis is caused by an insufficiency of the immune system as well as genetics and the microbiome. Studies suggest that ulcerative colitis could result from an interplay between our immune system and a bacterium or virus within the colon.
Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GSIT)
What is Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors?
A gastrointestinal stromal tumor sometimes referred to as gastrointestinal stromal cancer. It is type of cancer that causes abnormal growth of cells within the tissues of your digestive tract. The chance to develop a tumor could be increased due to genetic causes. The symptoms of gastrointestinal tumors include blood in the stool as well as vomiting.
What is the cause of gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor?
Gastrointestinal stromal tumors can’t be prevented through modifying one of the well-known risk factors, like the aging process or rare genetic disorders. GISTs do not result from the environment or lifestyle.
Diverticular Disease
What are the Diverticular Disease?
Diverticulosis refers a situation that causes small sacs or pouches to push through weak spots within the colon. Diverticulosis is a condition that triggers bleeding as well as inflammation and other complications.
What are the signs and symptoms of the condition known as diverticular disease?
Diverticulitis symptoms and Diverticular Disease signs and symptoms
- The most common location for stomach pain is on the left side of the lower. It could cause a range of causes, such as eating, pooping or even urinating.
- Constipation and diarrhea can be a problem.
- Sometimes, you’ll find blood in your feces.

FAQ about Colorectal Cancer
What is a Polyp?
Polyps are described as a type of mushroom. They appear when colon’s cells divide, expand as well as reproduce in an unusual healthy way. Polyps may spread to other areas of your body and infiltrate the colon’s walls and blood vessels.
Who are most at likelihood of developing colorectal tumors?
Colorectal cancer is about equal in the case of both men and women who are over 50. Anyone who have the history of colorectal and polyps-related cancer are at a higher risk be diagnosed with the condition. People who have an inflammatory chronic intestinal illness (Ulcerative colitis and Crohns Disease) are also more at risk.
How can you prevent colorectal cancer?
If you’re 45 years old or more, consult your doctor about scheduling annual exams. Make sure your diet is free of animal fats and rich in vegetables and fruits. Regular exercise is essential. Beware of smoking. Moderation is the key. Colon Cancer screening tests are able to identify and eliminate polyps that are pre-cancerous, and help to prevent the growth and spread of cancer.
In the year 2018 in 2018, the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgery modified its recommendations for screening at 45 years old, in light of the new evidence regarding the chance of developing colon cancer in those under 50.
What screening options are there to identify colorectal cancer?
Screening tests are a great way to identify and eliminate any polyps that could be cancerous, before they develop or even before treatment is available.
Several screening options exist. There are a variety of screening options, such as an flinching sigmoidoscopy (FOBT) and the Flexible stool tests (FOBT) and the double-contrast barium enema, and colonoscopy. To determine which screening option is most suitable for you, patients must consult with their colorectal surgeon.