The Best HERNIA Doctor in Kolkata

    What is a HERNIA?

    A Hernia is an abnormal protrusion of the internal organs/tissue/abdominal contents through a defect or weak spot in the surrounding muscle or tissues. The Dr. Azhar Alam is a pioneer Hernia Doctor in Kolkata.

    Hernia Doctor in Kolkata
    Hernia Doctor in Kolkata

    Hernia Symptoms

    Do I have HERNIA ?

    • SWELLING or BULGE in the groin/scrotum/abdomen/area of previous surgery.
    • The sensation of burning or aching is within the region around the bulge.
    • ACHE or DISCOMFORT on the back of the groin.
    • A heavy and strenuous feeling inside the stomach.
    • Gradual growth in the size of the bulge or swelling.
    • The symptoms of BOWEL OBSTRUCTION such as constipation, vomiting , etc.

    Causes of Hernia

    What CAUSES a HERNIA ?

    Hernia can be caused by a variety of factors, such as:

    • Physical EXERCISE and STRENUOUS exercise.
    • The abdominal muscles are weaker as we get older.
    • STRAINING during bowel movements.
    • Inability to urinate caused by ENLARGED PROSTATE (BPH).
    • History of PREVIOUS SURGERY.
    • CONGENITAL or FAMILY History.
    Hernia Doctor in Kolkata

    Diagnosis of Hernia

    A physical exam is generally all you need to determine that you may have an internal hernia. The doctor will check for bulges within the area around the groin. Because standing and coughing can make a hernia look more visible and obvious You’ll likely be told to lie down and create a tension or cough.

    If the reason isn’t clear Your doctor may recommend an imaging test, such as the abdominal ultrasound CT scanner or MRI.

    Hernia Treatment

    Do I NEED SURGERY for Hernia ?

    SURGERY is the ONLY Treatment for HERNIA.

    Hernia Doctor in Kolkata

    What are the OPERATIVE Procedures for Hernia?

    Hernia repair is possible by using the OPEN method and the LAPAROSCOPIC method.

    The benefits from LAPAROSCOPIC HERNIA REPAIR include:

    Smaller incisions
    Minimal Pain
    ✔ Minimal Hospitalization
    ✔ Rapid Recovery and resumption of everyday activities.

    Types of Hernia

    What are the various types of Hernia?

    The most common kinds of Hernia comprise –

    • Inguinal ( MOST COMMON )
    • Incisional
    • Umbilical & Paraumbilical
    • Femoral
    • Epigastric & Ventral Hernia etc.
    Best Hernia Specialist Surgeon

    FAQ on Hernia

    Are hernias painful?

    Most often, those suffering with ventral hernias may experience a slight discomfort, pain or a tingling sensation around the hernia. The discomfort can be more intense when you perform any activity that puts pressure on abdominal muscles such as lifting weights or running, or even being bent during the process of bowel movements. Certain patients might have bulges but they don’t feel any discomfort.

    What is the most effective treatment for hernias?

    If the hernia you have is painful or appears to be expanding, your doctor may recommend surgery. The majority of hernia surgeries are outpatient procedures. The surgeon will create an incision, then cut or move the tissue.

    What happens if I do not wish to have Hernia Surgery ?

    Best Hernia Specialist SurgeonThe Best Hernia Specialist Surgeon IGNORING an Hernia could lead to complications, such as

    • Irreducibility
    • Obstruction
    • Strangulation
    • Incarceration
    • Rupture of sac

    Contact Dr. Azhar Alam, the top hernia physician in Kolkata

    Is Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery Painful?

    Patients experience minimal to no discomfort during laparoscopic procedures. Because you’ll be under effect of anaesthesia, it’s likely that you’ll not feel any discomfort through the operation. However, the sites of the wound could be tender for up to a week after the surgery.

    What are the advantages that come from Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery?

    A seasoned Laparoscopic physician in Kolkata Dr. Azhar Alam performs laparoscopic hernia repair. It’s less painful and offers a quicker recovery. This is a very successful repair of hernias that is non-invasive, and it is done by sedating the patient. Like all surgical procedures the laparoscopy procedure comes with its own advantages. The benefits associated with this technique are apparent when you compare it to open surgery.

    The benefits of laparoscopy are:

    • There is less pain than open procedures. There is less pain than an open
    • Faster recovery
    • Smaller cuts
    • A lower chance of contracting an infection

    Contact us to find the most reliable Hernia doctor in Kolkata.

    Can a hernia cause death?

    A hernia which is in prison could cause bleeding to a part of the intestinal tract. It could cause strangulation and death of the tissue affected. A hernia that has been severed can be life-threatening and needs urgent surgical intervention.

    What can I do to manage a hernia that is not surgically treated?

    The only option is surgery. choice. Hernias can’t dissolve without surgical treatment. Alternative methods to surgery such as wearing a binder corset, or truss can apply gentle pressure to the hernia in order to ensure it stays in position. These methods can reduce pain or discomfort. They may be utilized when you’re not a good candidate for surgery or waiting for surgery.

    Can you live a life without hernia surgery?

    A lot of patients can delay surgery for months or years. Additionally, some people may not require surgery to treat an insignificant hernia. The hernia may appear be insignificant and you don’t have any indications or symptoms or symptoms that don’t cause any concern to the doctor , you may keep looking for indications of problems. Find the best hernia specialist in Kolkata.

    What is the duration of recovery for the Laparoscopic hernia surgery?

    Most patients are able to resume regular activities within 1 or two days following surgery. It is, however, important to discuss any post-operative restrictions and recommendations with Dr. Azhar Alam, who provides hernia repair using laparoscopy in Kolkata.

    This may include avoiding intense exercises or lifting weights for several weeks.

    Which is more effective? laparoscopy, or open surgery for the repair of hernias?

    At first it is important to understand that, at present, open surgical and laparoscopic surgeries are the most common treatment for hernias. Surgery surgeons can carry out hernia surgery using laparoscopic technology on certain patients, as well as open surgery for a small number of patients.

    How can surgeons make the right choice between laparoscopic repair of hernias and open surgery? It’s not necessarily the type of surgery that’s the primary factor and it’s more the type of the hernia determines which procedure is the most appropriate for your hernia. This means that you cannot use the same procedure appropriate for all patients. This is similar to wearing a shoe of a specific size and then trying to fit every patient. It’s not working. So, the decision of whether to have laparoscopic or an open surgical procedure must be based on multiple factors.

    The first thing to think about is the type of hernia and is whether it’s a small one or an extra large one. Where is the hernia? Do you believe this is an Umbilical hernia (belly button hernia) or an Inguinal Hernia (groin hernia)? Have any prior operations for a hernia not work? How is the overall physical condition for the patient receiving treatment? Are they an older patient with weak muscles , perhaps an bodybuilder, an athlete or weightlifter? The surgeon will evaluate all the factors to determine the best procedure for the patient.

    Talk to a Hernia surgeon in Kolkata and receive a successful treatment for hernia using minimal risk procedures.
