Hydrocele Doctor in Kolkata

    What is Hydrocele?

    The condition occurs when fluid is able to fill the male scrotum, causing swelling. While it’s not a health issue that is serious however, it is embarrassing and uncomfortable. Hydroceles are more prevalent in male infants than adults. There are options for treatment. Get in touch with the top Hydrocele Doctor in Kolkata Dr Azhar Alam for the best treatment for hydrocele.

    How prevalent are hydroceles?

    In the United States, 10% suffer from hydroceles. male infant newborns. They typically disappear without treatment within the initial year. Just 1% of males in their late teens suffer from hydroceles. They tend to disappear completely on their own.

    It is much more prevalent among infants than adults, however it is also seen in adolescent and adult males.

    Types of Hydrocele

    What are the different kinds of hydroceles?

    There are two kinds that are non-communicating and communicating hydrocele.

    Communicating Hydrocele: A Communicating Hydrocele form of hydrocele is in contacts (communication to) the fluids that line the abdomen cavity. The malfunction of the vaginal process, the thin membrane which runs through the inguinal canal and into the scrotum, could result in an obstructing hydrocele. The membrane has to be kept open to avoid the possibility of a hernia or a hydrocele becoming. The child’s scrotum can be large, or it may appear swollen, and could change during the day.

    Non-communicating Hydrocele: A non-communicating hydrocele is a form however, even though the inguinal channel was sealed however, there was some fluid in the scrotum that was around the testicle. This condition can be present at birth or it could develop after, without having a reason. Non-communicating hydroceles are usually similar in size to their parents, or exhibit extremely slow growth.

    Symptoms and Causes of Hydrocele

    What are the causes of hydrocele?

    • Infections in the testicles
    • A scrotum injury
    • Inflammation of the scrotum

    What are the signs of hydrocele?

    • Inflammation and swelling of the scrotum
    • Itching
    • Heaviness
    • A buildup of fluids in the scrotum
    • The scrotal region is prone to pain.

    Diagnosis of Hydrocele

    What tests can be used to determine if you have a hydrocele?

    Hydrocele is diagnosed via Dr.Azhar Alam. He is known as the best Hydrocele Surgeon located in Kolkata in both adults and children by a combination of tests and observation. This could include:
    Physical examination – This may be as simple as examining the groin’s bulge under pressure, and asking for the person to cough and shine the scrotum with a flashlight to show any fluid accumulation.
    An imaging test , for example an ultrasound.This could include testing the bulge of the groin under pressure, asking the patient to cough, shining a light through their scrotum to highlight any fluid collection.

    Prevention of Hydrocele

    Can you prevent hydroceles?

    Your baby is not protected from developing a hydrocele. The possibility of developing a hydrocele is mitigated by men of all ages. If you play contact sports the use of an athletic cup is suggested.

    The presence of hydroceles is not typically an issue of health concern. But, it is crucial to notify your doctor when you experience changes or swelling in the scrotum. The condition could be the result of other medical condition or illness.

    Hydrocele Treatment in Kolkata

    What's the best method to deal with a hydrocele? What drugs might help?

    Hydrocele can be treated using no medications.

    The majority of hydroceles do not require surgery. The majority of hydroceles disappear by itself after six to 12 months. The hydroceles that do not heal naturally must be treated surgically to prevent more complications.

    What is the sugar-based treatment that can be used in order to cure Hydrocele?

    The procedure is also known as hydroceleyctom.

    Two methods can be used to do hydrocelectomy: the first is open surgery (open hydrocelectomy); the second is laser surgery (laserhydrocelectomy).

    What is the main differences of open hydrocele surgery and Laser the hydrocele?

    Open hydrocelectomy is a traditional treatment for hydrocele. It involves a huge incision that is accompanied by stitches and can cause the patient with pain and bleeding. The procedure can be painful and can take longer to heal.

    Dr. Azhar Alam provides the most effective Laser procedure to treat Hydrocele. It is the most effective method for treating hydrocele. It’s a sophisticated and cutting-edge method to treat hydrocele. The procedure doesn’t require an extensive incision or stitches, and does not cause any pain or bleeding.

    FAQs on Hydrocele

    Do I have the ability to live normal life following an operation to treat hydroceles?

    Yes. Hydroceles should not hinder your daily activities , or diminish your enjoyment of life.

    Can a hydrocele impact fertility?


    What is the most appropriate moment to visit my doctor? When is the most appropriate time to bring my child to see a doctor?

    * In the event that your child suffering from discomfort, consult a specialist in hydroceles immediately.
    * If you observe any of these signs in your baby, seek out a hydrocele specialist physician in Kolkata. These symptoms may indicate that abdominal fluid or a part of the intestine has entered the scrotum of your infant.
    * There could be an scrotum lump of your infant , or it’s just over.
    * Your child appears to be in pain.
    * Your child may be sick or isn’t taking in enough food as normal.
    * Your infant is vomiting
